Retiring “a conversation piece”
Posted on | April 16, 2010 |
To start, let me just say that I am not the only one who is spending 30 precious minutes posting about the topic. Michael Pollick has this to say about the “conversation piece”…
Stimulating small talk and socializing among guests can be a challenge for any host. One proven method for starting meaningful conversations is to display an interesting work of art or an unusual photograph or mysterious souvenir in a prominent location. Such a discussion starter is known as a conversation piece. A good conversation piece could be an African fertility doll or an autographed piece of sports memorabilia or an abstract sculpture.
The point of displaying a conversation piece is to break the social ice among guests. At least one visitor should ask the host about the history of a certain piece of sculpture or when a candid photograph of a celebrity was taken. Others may start a discussion amongst themselves over the quality of the conversation piece, or they may even question
Is there any other more used product description in the furnishing world than the “conversation piece? In our case, did you know that we used the description “a conversation piece” in our posts exactly 16 times?
- On elvis plate
- Oh, even for on wood tray, we used it
- And the birds too
- A pair of chair is a conversation piece too, yeah right!
- And the last lazy usage of the “conversation piece” is on the “sagwan anyone“
The oft-used description inside our website… “a conversation piece”… we’re retiring now. The end has come.
But hey who knows, for a real work of art, a distiguished painter’s work, real unusual provoking pieces, we may un-retire the phrase.