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Mt. Pinatubo Ash Decor, Holy Family

A sunday chore, post sun-ray clock

3D Modeling Design for Industrial Design

Industrial design is the process of creation of products, usability of the products, marketing, brand development etc. Now when the computer aided design is used to show up the design of the product, 3D modeling has a crucial role to play.

Random Rattan

Picture Picture

A work-song during products shoots.

Leoque featured on Philippine Star

Please grab a copy of Philippine Star today (June 25, 2010) and see the feature about House of Leoque. Quick page pics via cellphone below:

Cagayan de Oro Handmade Paper Crafts, A hobby turned business

“DO what you love… the money will follow,” is a title of one business book, and Lolita Cabanlet epitomizes that book title. She practically pursues what she loves and enjoys doing, and in the process, paved the way for the birth of Cagayan de Oro Handmade Paper Crafts (CDO-HMPC).

Enhanced “KRIZY” candle holder with smart storage

Photo Play: The “LAMBOO” table lamp inside the kulambo

Ethan Allen ‘Lends a Hand’ to Iowa’s Homeless Youth

Ethan Allen proudly supports NBC ‘Today’ show weather anchor Al Roker, whose ninth annual charitable trek across America to visit five charities, in five states, in five days–will once again serve to “Lend a Hand” to people in need.

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