Special gift wrapping ideas
Posted on | December 20, 2010 |
This Christmas season, you may want to give it a try, and put your personal stamp and touch to every gifts that you’ll give. Creating beautiful gift wraps is easy, just a little bit of extra time is needed and a splash of creativity. I’ve compiled some nice way to spice up your gift wrapping this Christmas. If you’re tired of the usual gloss gift wraps, Guess paper bag, Zara paper bag and Bench paper bags, then check out below. If will not only make you more dear to your family & friends, some ideas can even save you some bucks too!

creative recycled newspaper (just make sure your gift isn't dried fish variety or this new paper wrap won't work), best bet, use the comic section part or the classifieds sections

personalized photo gift tag (it can be a photo of yourself, or some select photos you captured this year)

The designer channeled her inner grade-schooler by sandwiching colorful wax shavings between layers of tissue paper (three on the top and three on the bottom) and ironing them until the wax melted.

in japan, the art of wrapping gifts in cloth is called furoshiki, and it's brilliantly eco-friendly. besides, the wrap itself is a gift bonus
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