Book: Chairmania – Fantastic Miniatures
Posted on | November 17, 2011 |

miniature chairs - chairmania
Chairmania: Fantastic Miniatures
Welcome to Chairmania – the world of miniature chairs. These fantastic, witty, deliberately non-functional objects are made of such materials as ticket stubs, tin, raffia, gum wrappers, silk, wood, chrome, scrub brushes, even key chains, playing cards, buttons, and faux stones. The more than 275 chairs include the quintessential American Adirondack chair, an artist’s chair with a painter’s palette studded with glass beads, freshwater pearls, and crystals, and a gazebo chair, lovingly garlanded with roses and grapevine, and crowned with a little bird snug in its moss-lined nest. Whether gathered at flea markets and antique shops, or commissioned from well-known architects and designers, these emblems of Lilliputian design showcase an exuberance and creativity bound to delight readers of all sizes.
Chairmania: Fantastic Miniatures