Mirror, function & style
I ordered a book having “mirrors” as the main topic, we’ll post page capture (and/or share something about) of the “book of mirror” as soon as we get it. Meanwhile, this post is something about mirrors as well…
Retiring “a conversation piece”
To start, let me just say that I am not the only one who is spending 30 precious minutes posting about the topic. Michael Pollick has this to say about the “conversation piece”…
Disney’s Adult Furniture Adventure
After posting the Coke-Emeco eco chairs, it’s now time to post the Disney-Cappellini eco chairs… Disney, in partnership with Cappellini launched an upscale furniture range targeting not the Miley Cyrus fans, but us, adults. The best thing about this sleek Disney Furniture line is that, you’ll not see much of Donald Duck imagery or Hannah […]
Coca-Cola and Emeco Create One-of-a-Kind Chair Made from 111 Recycled Plastic Bottles
Magiting Project: Bamboo Taxis
Happy Easter, Yolks, err, Folks
Jennifer Aniston buys furniture from Leoque
Breaking news! Breaking news! Today, April 1, Jennifer Aniston buys furniture from Leoque Philippines.
Funky plastic planters from Edu Manzano’s favorite hardware hub
A condo site dev (the day that was day 7)
ABOVE: Lofty aspiration, bad execution. This config is history… the 4 x 2 should be on top of the 2 x 6 slab that’s bolted onto the concrete. In the end, it was re-configured and the loft eventually turned out to be a nice addition to the unit.
Furniture Exhibits (CEBUNext 2010)
The Department of Tourism (DOT) hailed the 21st Cebu International Furniture and Furnishings Exhibition (CEBUNEXT) 2010 held at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino. DOT Secretary Ace Durano said, “We stand behind CEBUNEXT in its bid to make the country Asia’s design destination. It’s truly a testament to the skills of our craftsmen who […]
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