Face of the week #5: Heart broken
Multoys, an All Saints Day post
Face of the week # 3: Transforming the Dragon
Face of the week #2: “MASSKARA” from the city of smile
Face of the week #1: Oh My Gulay
From a recent spur-of-the-moment morning photo session, we have here 20 photos of faces & masks, all home decors. We’ll just post one every Monday of the coming weeks, to welcome each week with face-themed posts. Picture 1 of 20…
Painter on white
First batch photo print, House of Leoque Volume 1
We’re able to finally print some of the photos we got. Printed primarily for offline viewing and second, for filing/archiving. After getting the copies and inserting them onto the album, I must say, the cost (print + album) is worth it. The good ol’ photo print is still the best way to look at the […]
Elements of China, My Photos
While going over the Elements of China coffee table book, it dawned on me that I might have stock photos of… Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal & Earth. And after few minutes of browsing the hard drive, somehow, I have. Not exactly at par with the photos in that coffee book but still, it’s worth posting […]
This Is Wheel Right?
Applications of a wooden wheel: A: For Transportation B: As home accent decor
Rattan Poles
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