A tree house, ’twas and it is still a dream
Posted on | April 22, 2010 |
To dream is free and so I did when I was young. This was my childhood dream house add-on…
Not a 4-slot auto-door car port with a workshop. Not a full basketball court. Not a detached movie house. Not a music/recording room. Not a shooting range. Not a spa room. Not a lush garden with fruit bearing plants like siling labuyo, kalamansi, to-ma-to, etc. Not a tropical home in the corner of a “green” 3000 sqm property.
But a freaking, or should I say, a squeaking tree house. I’m sure you too, once upon a time as a child, you dreamt of having a tree house. The boyhood plan was to invite friends and cousins over and play war games (baril barilan) or even board games, or do sleep-over, or even eat kropek with suka sa hapon. As adult, I still dream of a tree house and convert it to a tea house, or a spa-massage room perhaps, reading room with wifi maybe, or an art room. Oh boy, tree house, I want still.
So even now, a tree house would be cool. Speaking of cool, here are some cool tree houses: