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Design Within Reach Announces an Expanded Partnership With Hospitality and Contract Sales Industries

Design Within Reach, retailer of the world’s largest collection of modern furniture, announces the expansion of its Hospitality and Contract Sales Division. DWR gives hospitality executives, interior designers, hotel owners, architects, restaurateurs and other trade purchasers the convenience of having a single source for authentic modern furniture, with competitive pricing on contract-quality products.

SOHO Concept Eiffel chairs now at Accurato.us

Effective immediately, online purchasing of Soho Concept Furniture Chairs, Tables and Sofas is available at contemporary furniture store Accurato. Lena Johnson, President/CEO of www.Accurato.com says: “We are pleased to add Soho Concept to our contemporary furniture offerings. Soho Concept has reinterpreted the mid-century furniture designs of the Case Study Furniture period (1945-66) from some the […]

Customized furniture, the benefits

If you so desire, the custom furniture can reflect your personality. You’ll be able to control all the aspects of the customized furniture piece, like the dimensions, paint finishes, colors, materials, functions, trims, accessories, etc.

Eco-friendly residence in HK, “The Domestic Transformer”

In Hong Kong, because of the space, apartments are small and expensive. Gary Chang, an architect, decided to design a 344 sq. ft. apartment to be able to change into 24 different designs, all by just sliding panels and walls. He calls this the “Domestic Transformer.”

Ikea Home Planner

Encyclopedic Story

We have a shot of  the Century Photobook with the Lexicon Encyclopedia as the backdrop. Then I remember the old days… Picture blurry-ing flowers now… Dadanananananana, danananana, dananananana….

Flexible furniture in the Philippines?

Have you seen this flexible chair, made in Taiwan, that is making the rounds in international furniture shows? The concept is from the toy “slinky” you had some years back. The one that we lovingly pushed off the stairs and let it rock and roll and travel straight staircases, end to end. (Well, either that […]

McDo’s New Meal, err, New Look by Max Carmona and his crew

Tom Dixon’s Flash Furniture Factory

At this year’s ICFF, the British designer Tom Dixon will present 3 things… his INDUSTRY line, book series and the one that is interesting, Flash Factory.

Singapore Debuts at International Contemporary Furniture Fair 2010

Singapore is set to make its show debut at the 22nd International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) that will be held at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. Five Singapore companies will showcase their latest product lines at the ICFF, embodying the finest of what the Singapore furniture industry has to offer. They are […]

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