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The birds are named Noy & Nay

After the May 2010 national and local election and with 85 percent of the votes tallied in… From now on, we’re naming the handcarved wooden birds we sell, “Noy” and “Nay.” Sized bigger is “Noy” and the smaller version is “Nay.”

Val Nikitin Interior Designer: Long-Distance Decorating

New York based interior designer Val Nikitin and his client furnish apartment in Zurich using up-to-date technology. A client who travels as often as three weeks per month wasn’t able to schedule regular meetings with local designer. She met Val Nikitin in her trip to New York and hired him to decorate her Swiss home […]

Happy Mother’s Day


Boston Celtics would like to send Shaq in this Miami mansion early

Second round of the 2010 NBA playoffs is ongoing. It’s Lakers vs Jazz, Spurs vs Suns in the west. And in the East, it’s Celtics vs Cavs and Magic vs Hawks.

mydeco.com launches US site

Green your home

Snap! Interior Design Launches Mix & Match Online Decorating Services

Affordable, flexible interior design help is now available online. Snap!’s Mix & Match design services allow homeowners to get assistance with design trouble spots without breaking the bank. Until recently, interior design services were mainly available on a local level and could be quite expensive, making design consultation out of reach for many. Snap! Interior […]

A tree house, ’twas and it is still a dream

Manila FAME ’10

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